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Author : Svobodov, Valerij Aleksandrovic
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TypeListAuthor Title[further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Svobodov, Valerij AleksandrovicMetod fakturno-applikaturnogo analiza interval'nyh struktur stroâ grifnyh hordofonov (na primere zapadnoevropejskoj instrumental'noj kul'tury). [The method of texture-fingering analysis of intervallic structures in the system of fretted chordophones: On example of Western European instrumental culture] In: Muzykant v tradicionnoj i sovremennoj kul'ture: K 60-letiû I.V. Macievskogo--Materialy mezdunarodnogo instrumentovedceskogo simpoziuma; 55. [The role of musician in traditional and popular culture: For the 60th birthday of Igor' Vladimirovic Macievskij--Materials from the international organolobical symposium]. - Sankt-Peterburg: Rossijskij Institut Istorii Iskusstv,Sektor Instrumentovedenija, 2001. 72p. ISBN: 5-86845-070-1; 978-5-86845-070-9. 2001
2. Svobodov, Valerij AleksandrovicVioloncel'nye sjuity I.S. Baha: Avtograf, problemy tekstologii, osobennosti ispolnitel'skoj interpretacii--Cast' I. [Cello suites of J.S. Bach: Interpreting the autograph--Part I] Sankt-Peterburg: Rossijskij Institut Istorii Iskusstv, Sektor Instrumentovedenija, 2003. 103 p 2003 103p
3. Svobodov, Valerij AleksandrovicNarodnye istoki artikulâcii violoncel'nyh sûit I.S. Baha. [Traditional sources of articulation in the violoncello suites of J.S. Bach] In: Iskusstvo ustnoj tradicii: Istorièeskaâ morfologiâ--Sbornik statej, posvâsennyj 60-letiû I.I. Zemcovskogo [The art of the oral tradition: The historical morphology--Collection of articles dedicated to the 60th birthday of Izalij Zemcovskij], ed. Nailâ Unisovna Al'meeva. - Sankt-Peterburg,Russia: Rossijskij Institut Istorii Iskusstv (RIII), 2002. 350p. ISBN: 5-86845-062-0; 978-5-86845-062-4; pp.258-263 2002 258-263
4. Svobodov, Valerij AleksandrovicOsobennosti zvukovysotnogo intonirovaniâ ispolnitel'skogo iskusstva èpohi barokko. [Characteristics of pitch intoning in the Baroque performance art] Muzykovedenie 3 2008 65-71

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita